So this version is quick and actually healthy. I also add some variations at the end to make em different if you want. First hard boil 6 eggs and then let cool and peel. Of course if you do a dozen eggs, just double my ingredients.
Second...slice the eggs in half long wise and put the yolk into a bowl. This is the fun part...adding all the ingredients. Put em all in the bowl and mix bumps left. Then take a sandwich bag...fill it....cut just a tad off a lower corner and use that to squeeze the eggs back into the whites!
So....6 large eggs (you've already done that)
3 tbsp Veganaise or mayonnaise
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tbsp garlic salt
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp of hot sauce
truffle zest, oil or salt to taste
salt and pepper, to taste
paprika, for garnish
Relish and/or pickle juice
chili powder
white onion chopped fine
minced garlic
